Compromised Circulation


By: Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Ph. D, Doctor of Therapeutic Nutrition

Continuous blood flow of oxygen and nutrients to vital organs and tissues of your body has EVERYTHING to do with their optimal function! Sticky blood triggers many health calamities: and inadequate blood circulation is a serious health problem.

A blood clot is your body’s natural response to a cut, scrape, injury or trauma. To restrict blood loss your body manufactures a protein called fibrin. Fibrin has a thread-like appearance and quickly forms a mesh to create a clot over a wound site. Within seconds, normal clotting occurs and prevents blood loss by sealing off the damaged blood vessels.

After the bleeding danger is over, you no longer need the blood clot. So your body produces a special enzyme called plasmin to target and dissolve the blood fibrin clots. Unfortunately, as you get older, your ability to produce plasmin significantly declines. This means your blood can build up an excess of fibrin and become thick and gel-like.

Without significant plasmin to break up the fibrin, it’s nearly impossible to dissolve clots. And this can contribute to some serious health problems. If a clot breaks free and travels through your bloodstream, it’s like a renegade on the loose! Clots can quickly slow healthy circulation – block blood flow to your smaller blood vessels – lodge in your brain, lung or heart – and wreak havoc on your entire body!

I want to tell you about a remarkable, 1,000 year-old Japanese nutrient that can help you restore healthy blood flow – and help you avoid a dangerous health problem. It’s a remarkable cheesy-like delicacy called Natto Kinase – Natto for short.

The Japanese have been using Natto for over 1,000 years. This fermented soybean product is well known for its distinct taste and unique odor. The positive effects it has on your heart and vascular system are unbeatable.

Natto is made by adding the bacteria Bacillus natto to boiled soybeans and allowing the mixture to ferment. Natto has the uncanny ability to help liquefy blood clots and help spot them from occurring in the first place!
In short, Natto can help:


Another amazing “side effect” of Natto Kinase is that it can help normalize your blood pressure!

When you take Natto Kinase, you help reduce the stickiness or dangerous clotting in your blood vessels. That means less blood pressure is needed to push the blood through your arteries – and over time fewer problems in the vessel walls. This powerful benefit was confirmed by a blue ribbon animal and human study in Japan.

Clearly, if you want to help naturally prevent blood clots – and help lower blood pressure at the same time – Natto Kinase may be just what you need!

When Natto Kinase  enzymes detect a clot formation – they may quickly pounce on it and help break down the fibrin network that causes platelets and other agents to accumulate and create a clot.

This watchdog is even more voracious on existing clots!  Natto Kinase enzymes encircle the site of the clot and “chew up” the fibrin network so the pieces of clot can be swiftly cleaned out of your bloodstream. That’s crucial for helping to delay – avoid – and even improve “old age” health problems such as:

Don’t wait for a blood clot to wreak havoc on your health! Pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know this information – hospitals are not interested in helping you prevent health problems – and your doctor doesn’t probably know about this amazing circulation booster.

A word of caution. A quality product and proper dosage with correct instructions on how and when to take this product are very important. Always seek a knowledgeable healthcare professional for advice and selection of product.

The purpose of this Article is to educate and inform. This Article is not intended as a substitute for qualified medical advice. The Author and Publisher expressly disclaim any responsibility of liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and/or application of any of the contents of this article.