CB 22 Worksheet

Draw a line connecting the correct scripture to the text.

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1. We eat unleavened bread for ______ days. 15th
2. The lamb was set-aside on the  _____ of the first month. 10th
3. The New Moon of any month always falls on the  _____ 100
4. From Wave Sheaf  there are  _____  perfect Sabbaths to Pentecost 9:00 am
5. The Lord's Supper always happens on the  _____. 7
6. The Fast for the Simple and Erroneous is on the  _____. 49
7. The Sanctification period lasts  _____  days. 7th
8. The Night of Watching occurs from dark on the  _____. 14th
9. There are  _____  years in a jubilee. 6
10. Christ was in the tomb  _____ days and  _____  nights 21
11. The Wave Sheaf Service starts at  _____. 15th
12. Christ died at  _____. 2nd
13. Pentecost Service happens at  _________. 21st
14. The last Holy Day of Unleavened Bread falls on  _____.


15. There are _____ harvest periods of God. 1st
16. Pentecost is the  ________  harvest of God. 7
17. The cleansing of the Temple starts on the  _____ of the first month. 50
18. 7 perfect Sabbaths equal  _____ days. 3
19. We can work   _____ days during the week. 3:00 pm
20.  The day of Trumpets occurs on the 1st of the _________ month. 9:00 am
21. The Feast of Tabernacles lasts ___________ days. 3
22. The Last Great Day lasts for _________ years. 1st
23. The Feast of Tabernacles starts on the ________ day of the 7th month. 7
24.  Atonement  occurs on the________ day of the 7th month 7th
