Christian Churches of God





Planned Destruction of Humanity

(Edition 1.0 20240624-20240624)



This text was released for the Last Sabbath of the Fourth Month Tammuz of the Temple Calendar in 2024 concerning the conduct of the Fallen Host leading into the Final Four years of Satan's Rule beginning the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) as Part B of that series.



Christian Churches of God

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 (Copyright © 2024 Wade Cox)



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Planned Destruction of Humanity


The Heavenly Host was instructed by Eloah, as Ha Elohim, of His plan to create a species of Humans on the Planet Earth of the Southern Quadrant. The Elohim of that planet and Quadrant was the Morning Star, or Lucifer, Satan-el.  He was the Red Dragon or covering Cherub of the Southern Quadrant and one of the Four Cherubim surrounding the Throne of God. 


Satan-el began experimenting with humans at the early point of the optimum period of the planetary system (+- 2 million years of the star system) and created various types of humanoids but failed in the types he created from early hominids to Neanderthals and Denisovans and then on to other forms such as Cro-Magnons. Each type failed and thus he announced to God that the Plan would not work. Humanoids were incapable of being developed to become Elohim. The Elohim of the Heavenly Host were created in the image of Eloah as Ha Elohim and were conditioned to be regulated by the Laws of God which proceeded from the very Nature of God (see Distinction in the Law  No. 096; 156E). Mankind was to be also created in that image.  The planet God had initially created (Job 38:4-7) became Tohu and Bohu for some reason and God sent the elohim under the Elohim we know as the Christ to restore it and create man in the image of the Elohim (Gen 1:26-29).


God had determined that Humans were necessary to enable the Elohim Host to develop a proper responsibility and control system so that both the Elohim Host as Sons of God and the Human Host could develop into responsible creative elohim, as sons of God, in and through their own systems.  Humans were to function according to a Nephesh (No. 092) which returned to God on death as explained in Ecclesiastes (Chs. 6, 7, 12 F021; F021ii). The human nephesh needed the Holy Spirit (No. 117) to function correctly in order for humans to become Elohim. 


Humans that obeyed the Laws of God and the Testimony of the Elohim through the Testimony of  Prophets and Apostles and kept the Calendar that flowed from the Laws of God would succeed and be made Elohim in the First Resurrection (No. 143A). Satan and the Fallen Host which constituted one third of the entire Host rebelled and disagreed with the creation of Humans and their elevation to Elohim. Satan sinned and lied to Adam and Eve posing an immortal soul and caused them to sin and fall from Grace through sin, which is transgression of the law (1Jn. 3:4).


Due to that rebellion and sin God cast Adam and Eve from the Garden (No. 246). Satan was placed in charge of the planet with control over Adam's progeny (No. 248). Satan's position was that no human was fit to become an elohim. He then was tasked with preparing mankind so that they could spend the six working phases of the creation learning to become responsible beings. Satan was told that Humans were to be given the Laws of God and the Testimony and the Calendar of God that flowed from that Law (see Nos 156; 156H).


Mankind was to be given God's instructions and judged on how they followed those laws as laid down in Scripture which cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-35).  Satan determined to produce false religious systems on the planet such that mankind would refuse to keep the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar that flows from the Law. The simple test was devised that those that kept the Law and the Testimony (Isa. 8:20) as delivered by Christ and the prophets and apostles would be given the Holy Spirit and allocated to the First Resurrection (No. 143A above). These are the saints (Rev. 12:17; F066iii; 14:12 F066iv).   Those that did not obey the Law and the Testimony and followed Satan and the false religious systems that denied the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar flowing from the law, and placed themselves under Satan as god of this world (2Cor. 4:4) would die and not enter the First Resurrection, which is the better resurrection (No. 143D).


Satan is not allowed to harm mankind except by God's permission (Q038; Q058:10). Satan had corrupted mankind and so corrupted their DNA structure that God was forced to wipe out the human host in the Flood and saved only Noah and his family who were pure in their generations (Gen. 6:9). Satan had access to the throne of God even up into the time of Job (Job. 1:6: 2:1). Satan was confined to the earth due to his sin and his el status was removed.


God had determined a fail-safe system such that all mankind that failed the test initiated by Satan and the Fallen Host and were not allotted to the First Resurrection would in the end be allocated to the Second Resurrection as reincarnated humanoids and given a second chance at Salvation with two jubilees as humans for retraining. The Fallen Host that did their best to corrupt the humans would themselves be killed and follow them as resurrected humanoids (see Judgment of the Demons No. 080), and the Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B).


To negate the obvious conclusions taught from the Biblical texts in Isaiah Ch. 14 and Ezekiel Ch. 28, Satan taught his minions that spirit could not die and that became doctrine in all religious systems corrupted by the tools of Satan through the Trinitarians and the Churches of God, through the priests of Sardis and Laodicea. 


The Parent-Child Relationship

The Elohim Host had only the One True God as Father and He was sinless. So, they did not understand that they had a responsibility, as appointed parents to the Human Host, to also have that responsibility. They did not realise that the humans would become whatever they taught them.  If they taught them to breach the Laws of God and that the law could be done away then that is what they would understand and follow. If they taught them to resolve dispute by force of arms and war then that is what they would take as normal. If they taught them fornication and adultery, and to lie and steal and covet, that is what they would do. If they taught them to observe the rituals of the Sun and Mystery cults and the sun and moon as deities, and make idols, that is also what they would do and observe Sunday, Christmas at the solstice and Easter of the Baal system and the Triune God of the Mystery Cults. One cannot expect the child of an abusing parent not to be corrupted by that abusive parent.  Thus they corrupted their own test with their own sin and ignorance.


The Fallen Host taught them not to obey the Laws of God. They also taught humans that Christ had done sway with the Laws of God at his incarnation and superimposed the Sun and Mystery Cults and the system of the Triune God over Christianity. They also taught them ancestor worship among the Hindus and Asians in Hinduism and Buddhism. They also taught them that when they died they went to heaven and denied the reality of the Resurrections of the Dead or turned them into multiple reincarnations.  In that way they ensured that not only would they not keep the Law and the Testimony but that they would kill all the humans that were trying to obey the Law and the Testimony themselves and so millions died simply for trying to obey God, killed by these tools of Satan teaching that the Law of God was done away. These humans did not realise that what they were doing was assigning themselves to the Second Resurrection of the Dead and all that entailed. They not only corrupted mankind with the Sun and Mystery cults around the world, but also the Sardis and Laodicean systems in the Churches of God in the last three centuries of the Churches of God prior to the Return of the Messiah and disqualified them from the First Resurrection.


End of the Age

Satan and the Fallen Host were given Six Millennia or six thousand years in control of the earth from the closure of Eden in 3974 BCE.

Christ, the other anointed Covering Cherub set with Satan, qualified to take over from him and become the High Priest of the Elohim Host and the elohim of mankind. He was the elohim of Israel of Psalm 45 (see Heb. 1:8-9) (F019_3; F058).  The rule of the planet was symbolised in the creation week of Seven days representing the Seven thousand years of the human system.

The last millennium or Millennial Sabbath of the Messiah stems from the end of this age in 2027 to the end of the Millennial Sabbath in 3027.  The details are explained in the text Outline Timetable of the Age (No. 272).


Time of the Rule of Satan

The Age was divided into three stages numbering Six thousand Years and explained in the texts of 282A, 282B and 282C. The function of mankind as the Temple of God is explained in No. 282D.


The First phase was the two thousand years or Forty Jubilees from the closure of Eden to Noah and the Flood on to the birth of Abraham.  The Second phase was from Abraham to Christ in re-establishing mankind and giving the Law and the Testimony to mankind from the patriarchs and after the Exodus. The Third phase was the Last Days to the End of this Age and went from 27 CE when Christ declared the 80th Jubilee as the Acceptable Year of the Lord and began selecting those God had given to Him to form the Church as the nucleus of the Human part of the Elohim Host in the First Resurrection (No. 143A) at the Return of the Messiah for the 120th Jubilee, and the establishment of the millennial system for the final one thousand years of the Millennial Sabbath under Messiah (Nos. 141G; 300). The Patriarchs and Prophets had been selected by God and given the Holy Spirit so that they could understand and keep the Law.  They will all be in the First Resurrection with the Apostles and those of the Churches of God.


Satan was given limitations and controls that he could not exceed and from which he could not deviate. The limitations on his time of necessity limited his power and that of the Fallen Host.

God had limited the time frames within the six thousand years according to his Divine Prescience (see Predestination (No. 296). One such limitation was that Satan and the Fallen Host were subject to the orders and direction of the Saints of the Church and they had the power to confine them to the pit of Tartaros as they considered appropriate. All other humans were however, able to be used by the demons, and tested, as they submitted to them. All humans that refused to abide by the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar that flowed from the Law and Testimony came under control of Satan and the Fallen Host as their chosen elohim and thus were not under the protection of God and could be abused and killed by the Fallen Host. If they speak not according to the Law and the Testimony there is no light in them (Isa. 8:20)


Limitations on the Demons by Prophecy

All Prophecy as listed in the canon of Scripture is by direction of God and, as Christ said, cannot be broken (Jn. 10:34-35).  God gave specific time limitations on the timing of the Last Days and gave a specific direction as to the period involving the Babylonian system such that through the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel a limit of 2520 years or Seven Times, on a year for a day basis, was allocated to the system of Satan and the time of the end was specified by Ezekiel within the Prophecy of Pharoah's Broken Arms (No. 036) and Daniel as the seven times from the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE beginning the Babylonian Empirical system (Dan. Ch. 2 (F027ii) down to the final Empire of the Ten Toes of the beast which went to 1916 and commenced with the Battle of the Somme and then went for eighty years in two lots of forty years to 1996/7 and the end of the Time of the Nations. The final thirty years of the time of the end runs from 1997 to 2027 (see Nos. 036_2; 219). These final 110 years of the end of this Age are what are collectively termed the “Time of Jacob's Trouble.”  The final time of the end is revealed by God using the prophecies of Daniel (see F027xiii). This final period covers 1335 days from the arrival of the Witnesses Enoch and Elijah over 1260 days  (No. 141D, 141D_2; 141D_2B). Then follows  the Thirty Days of the destruction of the Armies at Armageddon under Messiah and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E) followed by the War Against Christ (No. 141E_2). Mankind will cause mass destruction through its refusal to repent under the Vials of the Wrath of God.  The final 45 days of the period covers the struggle for Control of the Earth and the final reorganisation under Messiah and the elect with the confinement of the Demons at Tartaros and the death of all Satan's systems and the end of all False Religions (No. 141F).        


Transition of Power

Satan is still the Elohim of this earth and he is to hand over to Jesus Christ at end 2027 and be placed in the pit of Tartaros for the remaining one thousand years. God has given him clear instructions and there is to be not one iota or trace of his false system set up to deceive mankind on this planet.  He is to eradicate it completely from the earth. Those not killed by Satan and the Host, which will be most of it, will be subjugated by Christ at his return (see 210A, 210B and 210C). The age has ended and the Blessings of God given to Abraham are ended at the end of the final Four Hundred Years of Abraham's Legacy (No. 212J). That period ended in December 2023. The final preparation for the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) commenced from the New Year of 2024 (in March 2024) at 1 Abib and completed the cycle at Pentecost.  The final warnings were issued over that period to end Tammuz on 5 July 2024. This message is the final warning in that sequence (Warning of the Last Days No. 044).  The rectification under the Tribulation commences from the New Moon of the Fifth Month Ab. The punishments commence in that period onwards from 10 Ab 10/5/47/120 or 15 July 2024. 


Options for Mankind

Mankind has two options from now onwards. The first and most obvious is to repent and turn to God and keep the Law and the Testimony under Christ and the Church of the Apostles. That will involve keeping the Commandments of God and the Faith and Testimony of Christ as detailed in Rev. 12:17 (F066iii); and 14:12 (F066iv). This will place you under the Protection of the Covenant of God and save your hides. Who knows you may even qualify for the First Resurrection (No. 143A).


The second option is to continue on under Satan's leadership and deceptions with your false religions under the Sun and Mystery Cults in Sunday, Christmas and Easter, or with Friday prayers and breaches of the Law of God and the Koran and in Sharia, or other false religions.

That will enable Satan and the Fallen Host to kill as many of you as remains unrepentant.


The Holocaust

Israel as a  collective group of nations, which also includes Judah are examined in the texts Nos. Judah 212E, and Israel 212F. As we saw the mighty battles on the Somme commenced the Time of Jacob's Trouble in 1916 and that began the final Wars of the End (No. 036_2).

That began to undermine the blessings given to Israel under the Four Hundred Years of Abraham's Legacy (No. 212J). They lost a large number of people and their economic destruction was commenced by the Globalists and now in the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) they will be destroyed financially, administratively and militarily, as will the entire world. When God decides to destroy a people, He first sends them mad (Deut. 28:28) and that is being done now before our very eyes. 


The Time of Jacobs Trouble is also divided into three phases of serious lessons. The first phase was the Mourning for Miriam. That was over the period 1937 to 1967 when the Holocaust occurred in 1941-1945. Millions of the nations were killed and executed. Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and millions of others of the nations of the world. They were killed because they were not under God's Protection (No. 194B).  The Tribulation will continue and increase from now onwards for the next four years. Over 95% of the world will die over that period. The figures are given in the texts of Scripture in the latter prophets and especially in Revelation.  The Second phase was the Mourning for Aaron from 1967-1997 when Israel took possession of the Temple Mount but the religious system was taken over completely by the demons, and the Whore enthroned Satan as God in the Chapels of Sts. Peter and Paul in the Vatican and a concomitant ceremony was held in the Carolinas on the 33rd parallel to enable the attendant cacophony, with child rape and sacrifice. This period was when the pope took the name Paul and was known as the Availing Time. The Jesuit Historian Malachi Martin exposed this fact in the work “Windswept House” and that is covered in the text The Last Pope (No. 288).


The third period was the mourning for Moses from 1997 to 2027 under the Beast power when the Laws of God are completely eliminated under the Empire of the Beast and the elect are persecuted. These three periods were when Miriam, Aaron and Moses died before they entered the Promised Land in the end of the forty years in the Wilderness as we have been forty jubilees, on a year for a jubilee basis, in the Wilderness under Satan. That is now to come to an end in four years with the Millennium under the Messiah.


If the people do not repent immediately and obey the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar, then they will not enter the First Resurrection. Our leaders will commence to die under the Empire of the Beast now emerging, and from the arrival of the Two Witnesses (No. 141D).  If you have not repented of Hillel and the false religious systems of Judaism, Ditheism, Binitarianism, Trinitarianism and Polytheism under Hinduism and Buddhism etc., you will commence to be killed by Satan and the Fallen Host. As prophesied in the Bible texts and in Revelation (F066, ii, iii, iv, v),  Christ and the Host will place all the fallen elohim in Tartaros until their release in 3026/27 for the last war of the mankind prior to the Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment  (No. 143B). They will then clean up the planet.


All humans keeping these false religious systems will have repented or they will commence to die under Christ and the Host until they repent. Judah will repent and Modern Judaism will be exterminated under the Witnesses and before the arrival of Christ and the Host. The Sardis and Laodiceans will have repented, or they will be exterminated under Christ. Their ministers will die first.  Israel will be brought to repentance under the Empire of the Beast in the Great Tribulations now ahead of us. The leaders that betrayed us with the Globalists of the WEF and the Khazzars will be exposed and deposed. That is to occur even up to the thrones and presidencies of the nations, for that is where the conspiracy goes. 


Destruction of the Whore by the Beast

The Empire of the Beast will emerge full blown from the War of the Sixth Trumpet (No. 141C) and it will survive for 42 months over the period 2024 to 2027. From the War of the Sixth Trumpet the Witnesses will arrive and they will preach for 1260 days from the Temple Mount (No. 141D). Over that period Judah will be the subject of correction and they will repent of the Oral Traditions, Hillel, Kabbalah and Talmud or they will die progressively until they do repent. The culling will commence from the leaders down. That will occur also with the Churches of God from the leaders on down.  No person keeping Hillel will be left alive on the planet. They will neither be in the First Resurrection, nor will they live on into the millennial system under Christ. Only the Holy Seed will live into the Millennium. The Holy Seed will be those keeping the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar flowing from the Law of God and their families (see Isa. 6:9-13; Amos 9:1-15).


It is important that the Sardis and Laodicean systems understand that if they do not repent they will not be allowed to even live into the millennial system anywhere in the world. You have to be free of corruption in the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar of God (No. 156) to be allowed to live on under Christ in the Millennium. Nothing contaminated by the Sun and Mystery cults will be allowed to be taken into the Millennium; neither idols, nor artifacts, nor the corrupted texts of the Satanic system, nor Kabbalah, nor Talmud, nor the forged texts of the Scriptures, such as the KJV and the other texts. They will not be seen outside of a teaching library.  


The Beast system will commence to destroy the Trinitarian Whore and her harlot daughters from the War of the Sixth Trumpet. The sequence of the Destruction is covered in the texts of The Last Pope (No. 288); No. 299A and the Beast and the Whore (No. 299B). Satan appeared to the people of the Whore as the Virgin at Fatima and the vision issued four prophecies to them. They are referred to as Fatima 1, 2, 3A and 3B. Fatima 3B shows that in the last conflict the soldiers will enter the Vatican and shoot all the priests and take the final Pope out of the Vatican and execute him on one of the hills of Rome.  The texts are examined in the Last Pope (No. 288). The Beast will then turn on the Whore and her Harlot Daughters worldwide. So also will the ayatollahs and imams be attacked, and by their activities, invite slaughter worldwide. Only the Seal of God obtained by observing the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar flowing from the law will keep you alive.  The Islamic System will revert back to keeping the calendar as it did under the Prophet as covered in paper No. 274. The Demons are not obligated to give those without the Seal of God any protection whatsoever and in fact they, and the Loyal Host are required to clean the planet of its false religion. Anyone claiming that the Law of God is done away and teaching that the NT does away with the Laws of the OT will be put death.  


From the commencement of the Millennium under Christ, no Sunday worshipping or non-Sabbath system will be left alive operating on the planet. All nations will keep the Sabbaths, New Moons and the Feasts all over the world or they will get no rain in due season and die of the plagues of Egypt (see Isa 66:23-24 (F023xvi, xvii); Zech.14:16-21 F038).


Satan and the Fallen Host have shown that the human species, without the Holy Spirit, which can only be retained through keeping the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar of God that flows from that law and being part of the Body of Christ through Repentance and Baptism (No. 052) and the laying on of hands for receipt of the Holy Spirit (No. 117) cannot follow the laws of God.


The Social System

The millennial social system will be completely reorganised. The political system will be changed completely. All political parties will be eliminated. Christ will operate as High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek from Jerusalem. (Nos. 128; 178; F019_5i; F058). David will act as King at Jerusalem; The Priesthood will operate as elohim under Messiah in the 144,000 and the Great Multitude of the First Resurrection (Rev. Ch. 7 No. 143A) will operate as elohim in control of the Earth in all nations. The Sons of Zadok will operate as Temple Priests at Jerusalem.


Each tribe and nation will elect captains of Tens, Fifties, Hundreds, and Thousands (Ex. 18:21-23). Above these are elected the divisional leaders of the commanders of the 24,000 people of the divisions according to tribes (1Chron. 23:6, 24:1; 26:12; 28:1,13). These are the overall representatives and leaders and divisions of the priests and the Levites as well as the administration. No corrupt person, or one who takes a bribe, is to hold office.   


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